Monday, April 8, 2013

Denim Jackets

Hope Everyone had a great weekend!  It was so nice out!  We spent most of our weekend outside with our family that was visiting us for the weekend.. I was able to wear shorts and a maxi dress, which made me feel like summer is finally on its way.  While out and about in my maxi dress, I wanted something in case I got cold (at night, in the restaurant, and because I'm just always cold!).  However, I felt like a cardigan and a maxi dress just looked frumpy.  I've been seeing denim jackets everywhere lately, and they happen to look great with a maxi dress.  When I think of denim jackets, I'm transported back to the 80's when I thought they were cool.  Like all good fashions, they're making a comeback.  Celebrities are wearing them all the time, and every retail store has them on their floor.  Guess we all know what my next purchase is going to be!  I've listed a few of my favorites that I've found below.


Denim Jackets