Friday, April 5, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

One of the blogs that I often read, Stilettos and Diapers, had a post talking about The Ultimate Blog Party.  The party is a giant link up of blogs. All you do, is post a little something about you and your blog for the new people stopping by. Then, hop around during the week to other blogs linked up to meet some new bloggers.  It seems like a great idea to discover other blogs and get my blog out there as well.  

So, for those of you who don't already know about me here it goes :)  

I'm Jen.  I'm a wife and mom living in Atlanta with my hubs and our adorable 16 month old son.  I love traveling (not for work, I already do too much of that!), shopping (I seriously think I keep several stores in business), spending time with friends and family, and cheering on my SEMINOLES!  I watch WAY too much reality TV, I'm always on the hunt for the perfect salsa and guacamole, and I'm loving learning how to be a great parent along the way.  I started my blog as a hobby and to have some "me time" in my chaotic schedule.  I blog about Fashion/Beauty, Cooking, DIY project, Kids stuff...Anything!


Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. I found your blog through the Ultimate Blog Party. This is so much fun! I love blogging and love reading new blogs. I am now following your blog. I would love for you to stop by A Learning Journey. The blueberry coffee cake recipe sounds like something my hubby would devour. Here is a link to my blog

    1. Hi! Thanks for following my blog. I'm still pretty new to the blogging world, and this ultimate blog party is so much fun! I stopped by your blog and I will definitely be following you! :)

  2. I found you on the UBP 2013! This is my second year partying and it is addictive. :)

    1. I'm so excited that I found the UBP! Its so much fun! :)

  3. I'm just a little north of you here in Nashville. Was just in Atlanta last week as a matter of fact. Just like you, I travel WAY too much for business. When you find the perfect salsa, be sure and post it because it's my guilty pleasure.

    1. My in-laws live in Nashville, so we're there a lot! Sounds like we have a lot in common! I'll definitely keep you updated on the salsa search! :)

  4. Hi, I'm visiting you from the UBP and a first time partyer as well! Love your blog design and look forward to your posts. I live in NC, have 3 sons and try to keep up with them! I hope you'll stop by, here's my Ultimate Blog Party post!

  5. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! I have my hands full with just one son, I can't imagine how you do it with 3. You must be a super mom! I stopped by your blog. I love all of your recipe posts!

  6. Thank you for the comment on my blog. Am loving this link up and finding all kinds of fun blogs. Adding yours to my feed!

  7. Love your blog!!! Stopping by from Ultimate Blog Party! I'm your newest follower! I would love if you stop by and say Hi!


    1. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm heading over to your blog now! :)

  8. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your blog, I'll def. be stopping back to look at the yummy recipes :)


  9. You have a great blog. Found you through the ultimate blog party!

    Pin Me or Pin Me Not

    1. Thanks for stopping by Carla. I just went to your blog and I LOVE it! You definitely have a new follower!

  10. I love the catchy name of your blog! I'm visiting for the first time from the Ultimate Blog Party.

  11. Hi stopping by from UBP! Love the name of your blog and your little ones are adorable! :)

  12. Visiting from UBP13 thanks for sharing some great recipes can't wait to try them. your newest follower

    Desiree @ YourCraftyFriend

  13. I've discovered that is difficult to get the perfect guacamole just right - my son always lets me know when it isn't as tasty as usual - probably when the avocados are over-ripe. But enough about avocados. enjoy the party!

  14. I am visiting from the UBP13. Your blueberry coffee cake looks scrumptious.

  15. Oh I have to agree that coffee cake looks awesome!! Following you on bloglovin and facebook! Have a great week of partying at the Ultimate Blog Party!

  16. Nice to meet you! Although we're across the country from each other I have a deep appreciation for traveling and new adventures =) Great to connect.

  17. I enjoyed stopping by your blog and just became your newest follower. Looking forward to seeing what you are up to next!

  18. It's my fourth year linking up. Welcome to the party! :)

    1. Thanks Misty! Its been great discovering new blogs and linking up with everyone!

  19. Stopping by from UBP. Love your blog!

  20. Already lovin' your blog! Happy Monday evening! Swinging by with a little #UBP13 love. Hope you'll have a few minutes to stop in and say hello, too!

    1. Hi Trish! Thanks for stopping by. I just stopped in on your blog as well (which I LOVE!!). Looking forward to linking up in the future.

  21. Hopping over from the UBP13! I love all the different content you have on your blog-we seem to write about a lot of the same things and I am enjoying seeing your take on things. Stop by my place and say hi!

    Courtney @ Simply Selman

    1. Hi Courtney! Thanks for stopping by. I love your blog too! We definitely have the same styles of blogging. Looking forward to linking up in the future!

  22. Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party! I really enjoyed checking out your blog, particularly the fashion posts. Staying up on trends is not my strong suit, so I look forward to following you and seeing more of them! Feel free to stop by:

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I just popped over to your blog, and your little man is so cute!!

  23. Stopped by from the UBP. I look forward to the fashion posts, since I now only wear yoga pants.

    1. I love yoga pants!! They're definitely a staple in my wardrobe!

  24. Hi, I found you through UBP13. I'm kind of a newb to blogging, but I'm loving it so far. I'm an educator, former foster parent (for kids with emotional, physical, and mental disabilities) and adoptive dad of two kiddos with special needs. It's been great reaching out, talking to, and hopefully helping other families! My whole blog is all about learning to learn and helping families succeed using brain-based practices. Come check it out. I think you will like it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm pretty new to blogging as well. I started doing it to have some "me" time between working, family, kid, etc, but it sounds like you have your hands full at your house!
